Day visit to
Southwell Minster and Archbishop’s Palace
Monday 23rd June 2025

Known as the ‘Hidden Gem of English Cathedrals’ the Minster’s ancient stones are soaked with centuries of history, from its origins as a Roman villa, a Saxon church, a private church for the Archbishop of York, a parish church and finally a bishopric with the Minster as its cathedral.
Next door to the Minster is the part-ruined former Palace of the Archbishop of York, whose most famous occupant is Cardinal Wolsey and dates from the 14th century.
We invite you to join us for a day at Southwell, with a guided tour of the Minster in the morning, and, following lunch in the refectory, a guided tour of the Archbishops Palace, with time to wander through the palace gardens, take tea, or return to admire the Minster before returning to Buxton.
We shall leave Buxton marketplace at 8am and pick up at Baslow at about 8,20. We will arrive in time for our tour of the Minster which is booked for 10.30 to fit in with the daily lunchtime service. (We suggest you bring a drink with you should you need one before lunchtime.)
We have reserved 30 places in the refectory for lunch, and we will be able to prebook our meals allowing us to be ready for our afternoon tour of the Archbishops Palace at 1.30. This will last for about 1hr giving plenty of time to wander through the beautiful Palace Gardens before joining the coach at 3.30, returning to Buxton about 5.30/6.00.
The cost of the day will be £42.50 which includes the coach and the cost of both morning and afternoon tours. The maximum number we can take on this trip is 30, so please apply early so not to be disappointed.
Bishops Auckland

You may remember that in 2020 Jenny Ball arranged a trip to the Auckland Project. Sadly this was cancelled due to Covid lockdown. However, we have decided to resurrect this trip and here is the link for the proposal for four days from 16-19 May 2025. We are, once again, asking Tailored Travel to make the arrangements on our behalf and I think you will agree it is a very good programme over four days and good value for money.
This visit is now fully booked.