We would like to thank you for your support and hope that you enjoyed the lectures and study days. We have planned another interesting and varied programme for the forthcoming year. We do hope that you will renew your membership and continue your support of the Society.
To renew your membership you have the following options:
- Complete this form then click on the SEND button then:
- Click on one of the Direct Debit options or
- Use the bank details to pay by bank transfer or
- Pay by cheque using the details below.
- If you can do none of these, please speak to one of the Committee at the next lecture and we will help you.
To pay by cheque please print this form or, if you cannot print it, include a note of your name and address and post it with your cheque to:
Lindsay Crowe
4, Palace Mews
Lascelles Road
SK17 6GH
To pay by bank transfer our account is:
The Arts Society Cavendish
Account number: 51060337
Sort code: 60-01-33
If you are changing to direct debit:
To pay just for yourself please click here: https://pay.gocardless.com/AL00065X7MQD1X
For a couple click here: https://pay.gocardless.com/AL00065X8D8R2G
GDPR Compliance: Your details will be kept safely and securely and you have the ability to opt out of our communications at any time Members’ details will be processed fairly and lawfully in order to satisfy the agreement entered with you on your admittance to membership. This will ensure that you receive the latest news and information about all upcoming events. Members’ details will be passed to “The Arts Society” to enable inclusion on the mailing of the quarterly magazine and other communications including information about any upcoming national events or items of legitimate interest. Members’ details may be passed to “The Arts Society Area”, or other affiliated societies for the purposes of disseminating relevant information of legitimate interest